Opublikowane na NEUROMAG - Przychodnia neurologiczna śląskie - Operacje i chirurgia kręgosłupa Katowice, przepuklina dysku (https://www.neuromag.med.pl/)

Laser Nucleoplasty - PLDD has been performed since 2003. We are one of the first centers in Poland to use this minimally invasive method of spinal surgery. We have already performed over 2000 treatments. Thanks to our experience, we know that we achieve the best results if the disc protrusion does not exceed 6 mm.

What is Laser Nucleoplasty – PLDD

PLDD (Percutaneous Laser Disc Decompression), i.e. percutaneous laser disc decompression, is a procedure thanks to which minimally invasive spine surgery has gained a new face, because it is clinically very effective. Used in the treatment of back pain caused by i.a. protrusion of the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc.

Laser nucleoplasty - PLDD in Katowice - course

This procedure is performed under local and light intravenous anesthesia. Under X-ray control (arm C), a needle with an optical fiber is inserted into the disc. Each time we inject contrast into the intervertebral disc (discography) to check the position of the needle and assess the structure of the disc. Turning on the laser initiates the process of disc decompression and reduction of intra-disc pressure.
After the procedure, the patient rests for about 2 hours and is discharged home with appropriate recommendations of the physiotherapist.

Laser nucleoplasty - PLDD in Katowice - application

The patient's indication for PLDD is disc herniation without rupture of the annulus and without significant reduction of the height of the intervertebral space.

Advantages of the PLDD procedure - laser nucleoplasty:

• minimally invasive spine surgery
• local anesthesia
• does not require extensive incision - much less possible complications
• leaves no scars
• does not require hospitalization, the patient remains under observation for about 2 hours
• quick recovery
• the possibility of repeating the procedure

Laser nucleoplasty - PLDD - postoperative recommendations

Completion of an individual rehabilitation program performed under the supervision of a specialist is an important stage of postoperative procedure. In addition, the neurologist directs the patient to a number of recommendations that must be strictly followed. Such a holistic approach allows to eliminate the patient's dysfunctions, return to fitness faster, and prevent the recurrence of ailments.

+48 32 212 89 24
+48 668 485 964
Registration hours
Mon-Fri: 9:00 -17:00
Neurological consultations
tel. 32 212 89 24
mobile phone +48 668 485 964
Minimally invasive spine surgery:
mobile phone +48 668 485 964
EMG laboratory: Pszczyna, Tychy, Kobiór, Katowice
mobile phone +48 668 485 964
EEG laboratory
mobile phone +48 697 708 516
Laser therapy
Targeted radiofrequency therapy
mobile phone +48 512 759 996
Esthetic medicine
mobile phone +48 000 000 000

Adres źródła: https://www.neuromag.med.pl/en/specializations/minimally-invasive-spine-surgery/laser-nucleoplastic-pldd